Apache(3 life point):
he is unaffected by cards from the suit of Diamonds played
by the other players. During a Duel, his ability does not work.
Belle Star(4 life points):
during her turn, no card in front of any other player has any effect.
This applies both to the blue - as well as to the green - bordered cards.
在她的回合,任何其他玩家 在場上 的裝備卡(包含綠色裝備)對她都無作用
Bill Noface(4 life points):
during phase 1 of his turn, he draws 1 card,plus 1card for each injury
(lost life point) he currently suffers. So,if he is at full life,
he draws 1 card; with one life point less, he draws 2 cards;
with two life point less, he draws 3 cards,and so forth.
在抽牌階段,能抽 1 + 損血量的牌,損 1 滴可以抽兩張牌;損2滴可抽三張…
Chuck Wengam(4 life points):
during his turn, he can choose to lose 1 life point to draw 2 cards from
the deck. He may also use the ability more then once in the same turn;
however, he cannot choose to lose his last life point the way.
Doc Holyday(4 life points):
once during his turn, he can discard any two cards from his hand for the
effect of a BANG! card against a player within range of his weapon.
This ability does not count towards his limit of one BANG! card per turn.
To hit Apache Kid in this way, at least one of the two discarded cards
must not be a Diamond.
如果要使用此能力攻擊 Apache Kid 時,"至少"一張不為方塊。
Elena Fuente(3 life points):
she can use any card in her hand as a Missed! card
Greg Digger(4 life points):
each time another character is eliminated, he regains 2 points.
As usual, he cannot exceed his initial number of life points in this way.
Herb Hunter(4 life points):
each time another character is eliminated, he draws 2 extra cards from
the deck. So,if he kills an Outlaw himself, he draws 5 cards.
Jose Delgado(4 life points):
during his turn, he can discard a blue-bordered card from his hand to
draw 2 cards from the deck. He may use this ability more than once per turn
Molly Stark(4 life points):
each time she plays or voluntarily discards a Missed!,Beer, or Bang!
card when it is not her turn, she draws one card from the deck.
If she discards a Bang card during a Duel, she does not draw her
replacement cards until the end of the Duel,when she would draw
one card for each Bang! card she used during the Duel.
Cards that she is forced to discard due to cards like Cat Balou, Brawl,
or Can-Can are not considered voluntarily discarded!
每次在不是她的回合裡,她使用(丟棄)了Miss, Beer, Bang這三種卡
Pat Brennan(4 life points):
during phase 1 of his turn, he may choose to draw the usual two cards
from the deck, or, instead draw one card (and this one card only)
from in play and add it to his hand. The card can be in fromt of any player,
and can be either a blue-bordered card or a green-bordered card.
在抽牌階段時,他可以選擇抽兩張,或者是從別人打在場上的裝備卡拿 一 張
Pixie Pete(3 life points):
during phase 1 of his turn, he draws 4 cards instead of 2.
Sean Mallory(3 life points):
in phase 3 of his turn, he does not have to discard any cards if he has
more card than the number of life points he has left.
He can hold any number of cards in his hand.
Tequila Joe(4 life points):
each time he plays a Beer card, he regains 2 life points instead of 1.
He only regains 1 life point from similar card like
Saloon, Tequila, or Canteen.
Vera Custer(3 life points):
at the beginning of her turn, before drawing any cards (in phase1),
she chooses any other character still in play. Until her next turn, She has
the same ability as that character.
在她回合開始 & 抽牌前,她可以選擇"任一"其他玩家的角色能力變成他的能力一輪
- Jan 05 Sat 2008 14:27