作者: k0286 (Hellbringer) 看板: WarCraft
標題: [轉錄][閒聊] 天譴軍的聊天記錄
時間: Mon Mar 23 10:09:01 2009
※ [本文轉錄自 WOW 看板]
作者: JonTalbain (niablaTnoJ) 看板: WOW
標題: [閒聊] 天譴軍的聊天記錄
時間: Mon Mar 23 01:16:44 2009
: 0. Scourge Chat Log 03/20/2009 05:22:14 AM PDT
: Disclaimer: I did not write this. This was written by a coworker of mine who
: does not play WoW, but was inspired by the Blizzard fanfiction contest anyway.
: So enjoy. And for the record - he had no idea about the cat in Naxxramas.
聲明: 這並不是我寫的,是由我沒玩WoW的同事所創作,
Scourge Chat Log
: ***User "theLichKing" has entered the chat.***
***使用者 "theLichKing" 已進入聊天***
: [theLichKing]: Hey
: [theLichKing]: Anyone there?
[theLichKing]: 有人在嗎?
: [theLichKing]: *drums fingers*
[theLichKing]: *無聊的敲著手指*
: ***User "Kel'Thuz4d" has entered the chat.***
***使用者 ""Kel'Thuz4d" 已進入聊天 ***
: [theLichKing]: Hey man.
[theLichKing]: 嗨老兄
: [Kel'Thuz4d]: my liege
[Kel'Thuz4d]: 吾王
: [theLichKing]: Listen, there's this thing I need you to do for me
: [Kel'Thuz4d]: anything my liege
[Kel'Thuz4d]: 遵命,吾王
: [Kel'Thuz4d]: what army must i lay to waste
[Kel'Thuz4d]: 是誰的軍隊需要我來消滅
: [Kel'Thuz4d]: whose lands shall i decimate for ur glory
[Kel'Thuz4d]: 是誰的領地將由我來為了你的榮耀而腐化
: [theLichKing]: Um, yeah, I'm good on decimation for today. We're going to hold
: off on the decimation for, like, a week or so.
[theLichKing]: 嗯...啊,我最近搞了很多破壞,我們決定暫緩這些行動,大概...一星期吧
: [Kel'Thuz4d]: ok?
[Kel'Thuz4d]: 好吧?
: [theLichKing]: I was thinking. How much trouble do you think it would be to
: have a thermostat installed in the Throne Room?
[theLichKing]: 我剛在想,你覺得在王座這裝個暖氣會很麻煩嗎?
: [Kel'Thuz4d]: ...
[Kel'Thuz4d]: ...
: [Kel'Thuz4d]: y?
[Kel'Thuz4d]: 嗯?
: [theLichKing]: It's really really cold in here.
[theLichKing]: 這裡真的真的很冷
: [theLichKing]: I'm Lord of the Scourge. I think I should get a thermostat.
[theLichKing]: 我是天譴軍的大王,我覺得我應該要裝個暖氣
: [Kel'Thuz4d]: no its a frozen throne
[Kel'Thuz4d]: 不行,這是個寒冰王座
: [theLichKing]: Right
[theLichKing]: 沒錯
: [theLichKing]: See that's exactly what I'm talking about. The throne is
: frozen. The chair that I sit on all day? Literally a block of ice.
[theLichKing]: 你看這正是我想說的,這王座冰住了,這個我整天坐的椅子?
: [theLichKing]: It is so very, very cold.
[theLichKing]: 它真的非常非常冷
: [theLichKing]: I actually cannot over-emphasize how cold I am on a daily
: basis.
[theLichKing]: 我通常不會過分強調我每天是有多冷
: [Kel'Thuz4d]: but its supposed to be frozen
[Kel'Thuz4d]: 但它應該要被冰住
: [Kel'Thuz4d]: its the source of ur power
[Kel'Thuz4d]: 那是您力量的來源
: [theLichKing]: About that. Can I get my power transferred to some other
: source?
[theLichKing]: 關於這個... 我能把我的力量轉化成其他來源嗎?
: [theLichKing]: Something that isn't made out of ice that I then have to
: literally sit on?
[theLichKing]: 某個不是用冰做的,然後字面上來看我可以坐著的
: [theLichKing]: Someone dropped the ball there.
[theLichKing]: 某人搞砸了那個設計
: [Kel'Thuz4d]: ok so like what should it be then
[Kel'Thuz4d]: ok 那它到底要長怎樣?
: [Kel'Thuz4d]: like a ring?
[Kel'Thuz4d]: 像個戒指?
: [theLichKing]: A ring?
[theLichKing]: 戒指?
: [Kel'Thuz4d]: Seriously, a ring.
[Kel'Thuz4d]: 真的,一個戒指
: [theLichKing]: Do you _read_ history?
[theLichKing]: 你有 讀 過 歷 史 嗎?
: [Kel'Thuz4d]: so what then
[Kel'Thuz4d]: 不然要怎樣嘛
: [theLichKing]: I don't know. I'll think about it. Maybe an armoire.
[theLichKing]: 我不知道,我想想,也許是個精美的大櫥櫃
: [Kel'Thuz4d]: armor?
[Kel'Thuz4d]: 大裝甲?
: [theLichKing]: No, not armor. An armoire. The furniture.
[theLichKing]: 不,不是裝甲,是櫥櫃,家具那個
: [theLichKing]: Oh but speaking of armor
[theLichKing]: 噢但是說到裝甲
: [theLichKing]: I have skulls on my kneecaps.
[theLichKing]: 我膝蓋上有骷髏頭
: [Kel'Thuz4d]: ok?
[Kel'Thuz4d]: ok?
: [theLichKing]: No, it is _not_ okay.
[theLichKing]: 不,這一點都不okay
: [theLichKing]: I have skulls.
[theLichKing]: 我有骷髏頭
: [theLichKing]: On my _kneecaps_.
[theLichKing]: 在我"膝蓋上"
: [Kel'Thuz4d]: well for the thermostat i think u need approval from a
: supervisor
[Kel'Thuz4d]: 對了那個暖氣,我想你需要一個主管的認可
: [Kel'Thuz4d]: ill just get kiljaeden in here and well sort it out
[Kel'Thuz4d]: 我幫你叫基爾加丹,他應該會搞定一切
: [theLichKing]: No!
[theLichKing]: 不用!!
: [Kel'Thuz4d]: no its cool
[Kel'Thuz4d]: 不,沒關係
: [theLichKing]: No, don't...
[theLichKing]: 不,不要....
: [theLichKing]: Ugh, my old boss. I hate this guy.
[theLichKing]: 噢...我的前上司,我討厭這傢伙
: [theLichKing]: Ok I'll just...I'll act casual. Like old times.
[theLichKing]: 好吧 那麼我就...跟平常一樣,像過去那樣就好
: ***User "Killzone'jaeden" has entered the chat.***
***使用者 "Killzone'jaeden" 已進入聊天****
: [Killzone'jaeden]: This had better be important.
[Killzone'jaeden]: 這最好很重要 (這句是魔將NPC語音之一)
: [Kel'Thuz4d]: yeah lich king here just wants a warmer throne room is all
[Kel'Thuz4d]: 就是,巫妖王想要一個比較溫暖的王座
: [Killzone'jaeden]: Warmer?
[Killzone'jaeden]: 溫暖?
: [theLichKing]: No it's really not necessary sir
[theLichKing]: 沒有,我並沒有非常需要,先生
: [Killzone'jaeden]: You want a warmer throne room?
[Killzone'jaeden]: 你想要一個比較溫暖的王座室?
: [Kel'Thuz4d]: yeah
[Kel'Thuz4d]: 對
: [theLichKing]: No
[theLichKing]: 沒有
: [Kel'Thuz4d]: yeah he does
[Kel'Thuz4d]: 有,他想要
: [theLichKing]: I really don't.
[theLichKing]: 我真的不要
: [Killzone'jaeden]: Ok sure let me just get right on that
[Killzone'jaeden]: ok當然,就讓我來處理這件事
: [Killzone'jaeden]: I actually know these guys, they're really great,
: literally made out of fire
[Killzone'jaeden]: 其實我認識一些人,他們很優秀,簡直就是用火做的
: [Killzone'jaeden]: They could heat your room right up for you
[Killzone'jaeden]: 他們可以馬上幫你的房間加熱
: [Killzone'jaeden]: They're called the Burning Legion...why don't I just
: invite them to Azeroth so they can come and
[Killzone'jaeden]: 他們叫做燃燒軍團...為何我不邀請他們來艾澤拉斯然後他們就能...
: [Killzone'jaeden]: OH WAIT
[Killzone'jaeden]: 噢等等!
: [Killzone'jaeden]: Someone's too busy being Chatty Cathy to PREPARE HIS WORLD
[Killzone'jaeden]: 某人忙著當健談的凱西來準備給他的世界來個啟示錄
: [theLichKing]: So sorry sir
[theLichKing]: 我很抱歉,先生
: [Killzone'jaeden]: Yeah, "sir," that's new
[Killzone'jaeden]: 啊,"先生",真新鮮
: [Kel'Thuz4d]: hey cmon though its not like weve just been sitting around
[Kel'Thuz4d]: 嘿別這樣,雖然這不像我們就坐在這然後
: [Kel'Thuz4d]: were spreading plague and stuff
[Kel'Thuz4d]: 散播瘟疫和啥的
: [Kel'Thuz4d]: we totally spread a lot of plague
[Kel'Thuz4d]: 我們真的散播了一大堆瘟疫
: [Kel'Thuz4d]: and dont forget the spider war
[Kel'Thuz4d]: 而且別忘了蜘蛛戰爭
: [theLichKing]: Actually I wouldn't mention that...
[theLichKing]: 其實我不太想提到那個
: [Killzone'jaeden]: Oh yes. The "Spider War."
[Killzone'jaeden]: 哦對. "蜘蛛戰爭"
: [Killzone'jaeden]: The "war" where you spent ten years getting rid
[Killzone'jaeden]: 那個戰爭,你花了十年來清除
: [Killzone'jaeden]: OF SPIDERS
[Killzone'jaeden]: 蜘蛛
: [Killzone'jaeden]: Check it out, I had a Mosquito War last night. Mosquito
: lands on me, I squish it. Done. Two seconds.
[Killzone'jaeden]: 你看,我昨晚打了場蚊子戰爭,蚊子飛到我身上,我打爛牠,
: [Killzone'jaeden]: Didn't take me ten years
[Killzone'jaeden]: 可沒有花我十年
: [Killzone'jaeden]: BECAUSE I'M NOT AN IDIOT
[Killzone'jaeden]: 因 為 我 不 是 個 蠢 蛋
: [theLichKing]: Yes sir
[theLichKing]: 是的先生
: [theLichKing]: Very sorry sir.
[theLichKing]: 非常抱歉先生
: [theLichKing]: I'm on it.
[theLichKing]: 我正在處理
: [Killzone'jaeden]: Y'know what, you know who else might want to hear about
: this
[Killzone'jaeden]: 你知道嗎,你知道誰也想要聽這些事嗎
: [Killzone'jaeden]: Maybe I shold get Sargeras in here
[Killzone'jaeden]: 或許我應該叫薩格拉斯來這
: [Kel'Thuz4d]: sure
[Kel'Thuz4d]: 好啊
: [theLichKing]: NO! That's not necessary
[theLichKing]: 不用! 不需要!
: [Killzone'jaeden]: Hold on I'll go get him.
[Killzone'jaeden]: 等等,我這就去叫他
:***User "Killzone'jaeden" has left the chat.***
***使用者 "Killzone'jaeden" 已離開聊天***
: [theLichKing]: ARE YOU CRAZY
[theLichKing]: 你瘋了嗎!
: [theLichKing]: "Sure"? Do you know who Sargeras actually is??
[theLichKing]: "好啊"? 你真的知道薩格拉斯是誰嗎??
: [Kel'Thuz4d]: i think so hes alliance right
[Kel'Thuz4d]: 我想他是聯盟的對吧
: [theLichKing]: ...
[theLichKing]: ...
: [Kel'Thuz4d]: horde?
[Kel'Thuz4d]: 部落?
: [theLichKing]: *headdesk*
[theLichKing]: *用頭撞桌子*
: ***User "An00b'arak" has entered the chat.***
***使用者 "An00b'arak" 已進入聊天***
: [An00b'arak]: hay guise whats goin on in dis chat
[An00b'arak]: 嗨嗨 你們在聊啥啊
: [Kel'Thuz4d]: sup
[Kel'Thuz4d]: 安
: [An00b'arak]: sup
[An00b'arak]: 安
: [Kel'Thuz4d]: sup
[Kel'Thuz4d]: 安
: [An00b'arak]: sup
[An00b'arak]: 安
: [Kel'Thuz4d]: whaaaazzzzaaaaaap
[Kel'Thuz4d]: 午安安安安安安安安安
: [An00b'arak]: what are yoooooou doing
[An00b'arak]: 日安安安安安安安安安安安安安安安
: [theLichKing]: GUYS
[theLichKing]: 你們!!!
: [theLichKing]: SERIOUSLY
[theLichKing]: 認真點
: [An00b'arak]: whats his problem
[An00b'arak]: 他是怎樣
: [Kel'Thuz4d]: hes cold
[Kel'Thuz4d]: 他很冷
: [An00b'arak]: well yeah he sits on a frozen throne inside of icecrown glacier
: with a sword named frostmorn
[An00b'arak]: 喔也是,他拿著一把叫霜之哀傷的劍坐在一個在寒冰皇冠冰河的冰凍王
: [An00b'arak]: the name icecrown glacier can only imply that among glaciers,
: which are themselves made of ice, this one is especially icy
[An00b'arak]: 而寒冰皇冠這名字也暗示著這位置在冰河之上,這裡本身就是用冰做的,
: [An00b'arak]: its possible there is some coldness involved
[An00b'arak]: 那邊很可能真的是有點冷
: [theLichKing]: _Thank_ you!
[theLichKing]: 謝! 謝! 你!
: [theLichKing]: Ok, so install me a thermostat pl0x.
[theLichKing]: 好吧 那幫我裝個暖氣,求你
: [Kel'Thuz4d]: uh boss ixnay on asking him to install stuff
[Kel'Thuz4d]: 呃主人,不要叫他幫你裝東西
: [An00b'arak]: what is that supposed to mean??
[An00b'arak]: 你說這話是啥意思??
: [Kel'Thuz4d]: uh
[Kel'Thuz4d]: 啊?
: [An00b'arak]: oh i get it
[An00b'arak]: 哦我懂了
: [An00b'arak]: bc im an arachnid?????
[An00b'arak]: 因為我是隻蜘蛛?????
: [An00b'arak]: and how could i possibly install a thermostat without thumbs
[An00b'arak]: 而且我沒有拇指,這樣要怎麼裝暖氣
: [An00b'arak]: racist
[An00b'arak]: 種族歧視者
: [Kel'Thuz4d]: no no no
[Kel'Thuz4d]: 不不不
: [Kel'Thuz4d]: well ok yeah how would that actually work
[Kel'Thuz4d]: 嗯好吧,沒拇指到底要怎麼裝?
: [An00b'arak]: im sure i dont know...im just an arachnid
[An00b'arak]: 我確定我不知道...我只是隻蜘蛛
: [An00b'arak]: guess what im not ashamed of what i am
[An00b'arak]: 你知道嗎,我並不因為我自己這樣感到可恥
: [An00b'arak]: >8
[An00b'arak]: >8
: ***User "An00b'arak" has left the chat.***
***使用者 "An00b'arak" 已離開聊天***
: [Kel'Thuz4d]: thank god
[Kel'Thuz4d]: 感謝老天
: ***User "An00b'arak" has entered the chat.***
***使用者 "An00b'arak" 已進入聊天***
: [Kel'Thuz4d]: oh god
[Kel'Thuz4d]: 噢老天
: [An00b'arak]: im lodging a formal protest
[An00b'arak]: 我決定提出正式的抗議
: [An00b'arak]: i am going to let every1 know the scourge is not an equal
: opportunity employer
[An00b'arak]: 我將會讓大家知道天譴軍的員工待遇並不平等
: [An00b'arak]: and i am being discriminated against due to race
[An00b'arak]: 然後我因為屬不同而被歧視排擠
: [An00b'arak]: and species
[An00b'arak]: 還有種不同
: [An00b'arak]: and phylum
[An00b'arak]: 還有門不同
: [theLichKing]: Ok, look, there's no need to get upset
[theLichKing]: 好了,聽著,並不用為此感到沮喪
: [An00b'arak]: omg
[An00b'arak]: OMG
: [An00b'arak]: dont apologize for him arthas
[An00b'arak]: 不用為他道歉,阿薩斯
: ***User "Killzone'jaeden" has entered the chat.***
***使用者 "Killzone'jaeden" 已進入聊天***
: [Killzone'jaeden]: Sargeras is logging on now.
[Killzone'jaeden]: 薩格拉斯登入中
: [theLichKing]: Aw hell.
[theLichKing]: 噢靠
: [Killzone'jaeden]: Precisely.
[Killzone'jaeden]: 沒錯
: [theLichKing]: Listen, I wasn't complaining earlier, the temperature is fine...
[theLichKing]: 聽著,我剛剛沒在抱怨,這溫度很好沒有問題...
: [An00b'arak]: kiljaeden??
[An00b'arak]: 基爾加丹??
: [Killzone'jaeden]: Excuse me, who is this? I'm *Lord* Jaeden to anybody
: that's not a Dreadlord.
[Killzone'jaeden]: 抱歉,這位是? 對任何不是魔將的人而言,我是加丹*大王*
: [An00b'arak]: listen killy there is some phylumism going down in this piece
[An00b'arak]: 欸基基,這邊有一些,門歧視,的問題要處理
: [Killzone'jaeden]: Killy? Oh you do want to die don't you.
[Killzone'jaeden]: 基基? 噢看來你是想死是吧
: [Killzone'jaeden]: Also does nobody capitalize anymore?!
[Killzone'jaeden]: 還有,現在都沒人把第一個字大寫了嗎?!
: [Killzone'jaeden]: I didn't spend seven aeons feasting on the souls of the
: righteous just so I could play typing games with the functionally illiterate.
[Killzone'jaeden]: 我可不是花了70億年享用這些正直的靈魂,來讓我能正確的玩文
: [An00b'arak]: no im serious this is a real issue
[An00b'arak]: 不我很認真的,這是個嚴重的議題
: [Killzone'jaeden]: *What* is a real issue?
[Killzone'jaeden]: "什麼"嚴重的議題?
: [An00b'arak]: phylum
[An00b'arak]: 門
: [An00b'arak]: ism
[An00b'arak]: 歧視者
: [Killzone'jaeden]: You best start talking some English
[Killzone'jaeden]: 你最好開始給我講人話
: [Killzone'jaeden]: Where the hell is Sargeras?
[Killzone'jaeden]: 薩格拉斯死去哪了?
: [theLichKing]: Precisely.
[theLichKing]: 問的好
: [Killzone'jaeden]: Don't get cute.
[Killzone'jaeden]: 別自以為精明
: [An00b'arak]: i am being discriminated against on the basis of my spinal
: condition
[An00b'arak]: 我因為我的脊椎狀況而被排擠
: [Killzone'jaeden]: What is your spinal condition?
[Killzone'jaeden]: 你脊椎有啥狀況?
: [An00b'arak]: i dont have 1
[An00b'arak]: 我沒有脊椎
: [Killzone'jaeden]: What?
[Killzone'jaeden]: 蛤??
: [An00b'arak]: im an arachnid
[An00b'arak]: 我是隻蜘蛛
: [An00b'arak]: >8
[An00b'arak]: >8
: [Killzone'jaeden]: Hey LK I thought you squished all of them already. You
: spent ten years on these morons and you didn't even finish the job?
: [An00b'arak]: what
[An00b'arak]: 嘎?
: [theLichKing]: Yeah I reanimated him. I'm the Lich King, it's sort of what I
: do.
[theLichKing]: 是啊我復活他了,我是巫妖王,這是我應該要做的
: [Killzone'jaeden]: So you smashed a bunch of bugs
[Killzone'jaeden]: 所以你踩扁一大群蟲子
: [Killzone'jaeden]: And then you were like,
[Killzone'jaeden]: 然後你像是:
: [Killzone'jaeden]: "Huh! I sure would like to have those bugs back again!"
[Killzone'jaeden]: "呵! 我想我需要這些蟲子回來!"
: [Killzone'jaeden]: Is your brain frozen or what?
[Killzone'jaeden]: 你腦袋是冰住了還怎樣?
: [theLichKing]: Ok that's kind of what I was getting at before.
[theLichKing]: 對,這就是之前我在講的那個
: [Killzone'jaeden]: That you're an idiot?
[Killzone'jaeden]: 那個,你是個白癡?
: [An00b'arak]: ur horrible
[An00b'arak]: 你好壞
: [An00b'arak]: ur a phylumist
[An00b'arak]: 你是個門歧視者
: [Killzone'jaeden]: Oh no, I'm horrible. Why don't you go and tell all my
: demon friends how horrible I am. They will be shocked.
[Killzone'jaeden]: 噢不,我好壞。為啥你不去跟我的惡魔朋友說我有多壞,他們一定
: [An00b'arak]: phylumist phylumist phulymst phylimist
[An00b'arak]: 門歧視者 們騎事者 門騎士者 門奇事者 們歧侍者
: [An00b'arak]: that gets hard to type after a while though
[An00b'arak]: 那打久了還真難打
: ***User "theLichKing" has kicked user "An00b'arak" from the chat.***
***使用者 "theLichKing" 已從聊天中踢出使用者 "An00b'arak" ***
: [Kel'Thuz4d]: thank god
[Kel'Thuz4d]: 感謝老天
: ***User "An00b'arak" has entered the chat.***
***使用者 "An00b'arak" 已進入聊天***
: [Kel'Thuz4d]: oh god
[Kel'Thuz4d]: 噢老天
: [Kel'Thuz4d]: go back to your hole
[Kel'Thuz4d]: 回你的洞去
: [theLichKing]: Yeah get out of here
[theLichKing]: 沒錯 滾開這裡
: [Killzone'jaeden]: Go back to your hole, spider
[Killzone'jaeden]: 滾回你的洞,蜘蛛
: [An00b'arak]: p
[An00b'arak]: ㄇ
: [An00b'arak]: h
[An00b'arak]: ㄣ
: [An00b'arak]: y
[An00b'arak]: ˊ
: [Kel'Thuz4d]: lolwut
[Kel'Thuz4d]: 哈搞啥
: [An00b'arak]: l
[An00b'arak]: ㄑ
: [An00b'arak]: u
[An00b'arak]: ㄧ
: [Killzone'jaeden]: Shut. Up.
[Killzone'jaeden]: 閉. 嘴.
: [An00b'arak]: m
[An00b'arak]: ˊ
: [Killzone'jaeden]: Dude get rid of this guy.
[Killzone'jaeden]: 誰快點把這傢伙踢了
: [An00b'arak]: i
[An00b'arak]: ㄕ
: ***User "theLichKing" has kicked user "An00b'arak" from the chat.***
***使用者 "theLichKing"
- Mar 24 Tue 2009 00:04